
Red lady and Deshi Sahi verity papaya are large scales grow in Bangladesh. It is a commercial breed
Waterlily flower. 
Beautiful orchid flowers.Love flower and plantation orchid.
Beautiful flower decoration.
To try yourself a rooftop gardening and grow green. We offer the best verity fruit tree gardening. We collection many verities of fruit tree. We deliver this plant. If you want a tree, please call me. 
Forant site decoration. This picture is a  good arrangement for a place. If you want gardening, we support you. 
 Srijonshil Gardening is part of  Srijonshil Prottasha Organization. It is a social movement and trading by Ittadi Traders. It contains social plantation and encourages the people. We want every people to learn how to make a garden. So you decide yourself, how can you learn gardening.   Give your own interest to propose our send message and contact us and built your dream.  Be serious and get more knowledge about gardening. We help and support, who interest to make a garden.  You want to make a garden but you have no idea. Have you a few time? You just mindset yourself. Indoor plant photo. Do you know to make a Gardening? Knowledge is power. You need to an idea and planning a beautiful garden. Start your own interest and start the journey now    Visit the Facebook page: Sgarden100